You. [ laughter ] [ applause ] saturday night at 8 30 eastern an indepth look at policing in minority communities. Speakers include former st. Louis Police Officer hudson, the Atlantic City coates and washington, d. C. Police chief kathy lanier. Most people get defensive if they feel youre being offensive. So being very respectful, you know, encounters and request, if its not a crisis, its not a dangerous situation request versus demands, those things change the dynamics a little bit. Sunday afternoon at 2 00, race and the criminal Justice System with white house Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett and others. Then at 6 30 portions of this years washington ideas festival. Speakers include virginia senator mark warner, former Vice President al gore and author ann marie slaughter. We have to banish the word hes helping at home. Right. Helping is not actually taking the burden off you. You are still figures out what needs to be done. And you are asking him to help. Hes not the agent. Right. He
The hands of dangerous people, who would threaten this country, while also protecting the rights of lawabiding citizens. That is what we are discussing here today. Have put forward commonsense legislation that adheres to a simple principle. If you are not allowed on a plane, because you are on a nofly list, because you are suspected of threatening the country, then you should not be allowed to buy a gun. I want to repeat what senator schumer said, because i think people dont think this is real. Allow, if you are on the nofly list, you cannot buy a gun. According to the Government Accountability office, between suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from american dealers at least 2233 times that we know of. Cases, 91 ofse the time, those suspected terrorists succeeded. That is just unacceptable. It is time we closed the loophole that allows suspected to purchase guns. After the horrific tragedy last week in San Bernardino, that was carried out by radicalized individuals, it is
SmartGroups and Automotive Reinsurance Concepts founder and chief executive officer Justin Osburn started 2023 with two major announcements aimed directly at helping independent dealers, which are facing some significant headwinds based on Cox Automotive’s latest research.
Nevada Trucking Association CEO named to ATA council post
Enos brings more than 15 years of experience serving industry to Trucking Association Executives Council 2 minutes read American Trucking Associations (ATA) announced that Paul Enos has been named chairman of the ATA Trucking Association Executives Council. (Photo: Nevada Trucking Association/FreightWaves)
American Trucking Associations (ATA) announced Monday that Paul Enos has been named chairman of the ATA Trucking Association Executives Council (TAEC).
Enos, CEO of the Nevada Trucking Association, succeeds Brenda Neville as chair. He brings more than 15 years of experience serving the trucking industry.
“We’re really a family the American Trucking Associations, the Trucking Association Executives Council,” Enos told FreightWaves. “We all face similar issues when it comes to our members, trying to address the issues that our members are facing in a positive way whether it’s stopping abusive laws