Looking at for people that arent going to enter inpatient, they may be part of 90 not getting treatment at all. Some treatment better than no treatment, as frustrating as that might be . What are your comments to the young mother thats got kids at home, shes pregnant and dependent and just cant go into an inpatient center. What do we do for that patient . Thank you for the question. The issue of pregnant and parenting women is a big one in our field. We have a Small Program to address your issue, but youre right, it is a residentially based program. We are increasingly looking for ways to take what we learned in the program about the best way to treat pregnant and parenting women and take it to other settings, whether it is opioid Treatment Programs or the training we do for physicians who are using medication assisted treatment to deal with pregnant and parenting women, so we are trying in every way we can to make those Services Available to those women. Representative collins so with
And other clinically appropriate services in states with the highest rates of opioid admissions. The president s 2016 budget proposes to double this program. In collaboration with doj, samsa add language to the 2015 Drug Court Grant requirements to make sure that drug court do not have to stop the prescription as part of a regulated opioid Treatment Program. Samsa regulates the Treatment Programs which are expected to provide a full range of services for their patients. In collaboration with a Drug Enforcement administration, samsa provides waivers treatment in a practice setting other than in an opioid Treatment Program. Samsa also fundsests to help prevent prescription abuse and heroin use. For example, in 2014, samsa strategic prevention framework, partnerships for success program, made preventing and reducing heroin use one of its focus areas along with Prescription Drug misuse and abuse and underage drinking. For 2016 the president has proposed 10 million for the strategicy framew
Thank you very much. Im very disappointed that sallie mae did not come today, and i think its important that we take a closer look at how all of our servicers are performing. But we need accurate data to be able to do that, so thank you. Want to ask a second question, thats about the Student Loan Program. You know, Student Loan Program just from 2007 to 2012 are now on target to make 66 billion in profits for the United States government. Just that small cohort. And lets keep in mind these are the best data we have available. These are government data, these are not data anybody else made up. The gao, the cbo to, the fed are all looking in the same direction at whats happening to students that are loading up on Student Loan Debt. And right now best estimate we have is that the Interest Rate were going to charge next year to our students is double, nearly double, the rate that undergraduates would have to pay in order to have the program break even. And as much as triple for graduate st
For the last two decades has shn that china has no ability to observe the rule of law in many aspects including the ipr, the wto, the manipulation of currency, no reciprocal [inaudible] the protection of its own market and many other problems. Thats different between communism and democracy. Thank you very much. So im asking you which of us all of you, how to move toward so that china can observe the rule of law, so we can develop a better trust, and we can have a more stable and peace ful regional and Global Development especially in the southeast china sea and maam, this is a lot of questions. Thank you. Just one, the rule of law. Thank you. Whether china will become a democracy, that reminds me of a book that Francisco Cook yam ma wrote fukuyama with the end of the cold war. Basically, what he said in the book is democracy prevails with the collapse of the former soviet union. But what we saw today was, you know, so many chaos in young democracies like thailand, turkey, ukraine, egy
The book is called Marijuana Legalization what Everyone Needs to know. Publish bid Oxford University press. One of the coauthors, editors, is Angela Hawken, a Public Policy professor at Pepperdine University, where we are on location. Angela hawken, is this book pro or antilegalization of marijuana . Neither. That is what makes isnone of us agree with each other on Marijuana Legalization and thats the genius of Oxford University press, bringing together different opinions and figuring out the evidence. The issues around marijuana there are such strong advocates that the public have no idea which direction theyre being pulled in. The idea to get people who disagree on the legalization to agree on the facts surrounding marijuana. Where do you stand personally . I was hoping you wouldnt ask that, but now that you did in chapter 16 of the book each author was required to publicly declare their position on the subject, and for many of us who academies threat a very uncomfortable thing to do