The McLeansboro Police Department has introduced their newly hired School Resource Officer Patrolman Anthony Amato to the community. Amato will cover the school
Cape Coral is seeking applicants to fill the role of the now-suspended District 4 Councilmember Patty Cummings. Here's what we know about the seven who've applied.
I expect to be published before 2021 ends. I’m also considering contacting a local community theater about a play I’m writing. It is based on rare medical conditions, and how they affect patient and family, but there is a fictional aspect which reveals an exciting end. I hope to convince them to work with me to produce the play, including some innovative special effects which would work well for stage or film, film it, and post it online. I have two reasons for that. One is to bring about higher public awareness about rare medical conditions, the other is hopes that it can get names in the credits acknowledgement, and possibly help someone who has acting or production goals.