The Associated Student Government Senate passed two resolutions Wednesday calling on the University to grant department status to two Council of Race and Ethnic Studies programs and shift Peer-Guided Study Group registration times. The Senate leadership also proposed legislation to eliminate weekly meetings. The first resolution, authored by Alianza Senator and Weinberg sophomore Nicole Aguilar-Medina.
The Associated Student Government Senate passed changes to the body’s Code and Constitution Wednesday, removing clauses that limited media access to meetings. Medill freshman and senator Luis Castaneda proposed removing the two clauses from the Code Review that allowed a two-thirds Senate majority to close portions of meetings to journalists and other non-ASG individuals. The.
The Associated Student Government Senate introduced legislation Wednesday to add senator biographies and headshots to its website, along with allowing constituents to schedule meetings with senators through Calendly. The “ASG Senate Visibility and Communication Initiative” marks the first legislation of the academic year. The freshman authors of the initiative — SESP senator Adrian Ayala-Perez, Weinberg.
Northwestern’s Associated Student Government Senate held its first in-senate elections of the academic year Wednesday, selecting two new members for the Rules Committee and one school senator whip. The senate selected Quest+ senator and Weinberg freshman Caleb Snead and Weinberg senator and freshman Grace Houren to fill open seats on the Rules Committee. The committee.
Northwestern’s Associated Student Government Senate hosted its first meeting of the 2022-23 academic year Wednesday night, welcoming senators with a roadmap of goals and plans for what’s to come this year. Speaker of the Senate Dylan Jost started the meeting by asking senators and executive members to introduce themselves to build camaraderie — a goal.