happy birthday, everybody. thank you.ha so disney has announced the next star wars movie will be directed by a woman. adm oh, you heard that right. disney admitits they define def a womainn, but the new director is not just any woman. no, she s sharmeen obaid-chinoy annoy, a pakistani canadian feminist activist. ofs you know exactly the kind of person that star wars lectchise needs. the kind whose idea of fun is lecturing you about oppression, welcoming dandruff out of her armpitsf . not heard somebody like that.t h that fancy. i save that one. ant the star secree star wars audience is mostly male. and by mostly i mean. so here s sharmeen in 2015 talking to jon stewart about how she interact s with that horrible gender with the y chromosome. e me i like to maken men uncomfortable. i enjoy making men uncomfortable. see, that explains why jon stewart looked so comfortable. well, no doubt she s made plenty of men uncomfortablene, y especially the ones that own disney
your house at 8 a.m.. there s nothing you can do,. yeah, i had to get pitchd to. the police involved a lot of very specific threats involving lightsabers. i m very specific. and then, you know, also i wasyu kind of like, you re getting that mad and you must be ugly. but the poinpoint ist is it sury wanted to make people mass. you should have at least made me associate producer on film. e as a that was a big deal. i was a buffalo wild wings question when that happeneild d oh, really? well, delilah is my greatest accomplishment of my life. wow. and by kat: on gt the way guess wearing tonight? slacks. slacks she there for lonely lite feet. tomorro well, tomorrow i ll be wearing a dress just to mix thingsr up okay. friday. up next, bake takes it down v a newspaper cloud. k if you ll be in the new yorkl area. and like ticketsike tick to, sef gutfeld go to foxnews.com slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio on the link to join our studio audience us so much time it mak