The Economic Offences Wing of the Mumbai police has filed a case against former city mayor and Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Kishori Pednekar and two civic officials over alleged corruption in the purchase of body bags meant for COVID-19 victims, an official said. The case was registered at the Agripada police station on Friday, he said. The complaint in this regard was filed by BJP
EOW of Mumbai police has filed case against Kishori Pednekar and 2 BMC officials over alleged corruption in the purchase of body bags meant for COVID-19 victims
The Economic Offences Wing of the Mumbai police has filed a case against former city mayor and Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Kishori Pednekar and two civic officials over alleged corruption in the purchase of body bags meant for COVID-19 victims.
The Economic Offences Wing files an FIR against former city mayor and Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Kishori Pednekar and two civic officials over alleged corruption in the purchase of body bags meant for COVID-19 victims