The jury found Pryor guilty of predatory sexual assault for engaging in oral sexual contact with the 18-year-old victim in June 2021 by means of forcible compulsion, prosecutors said.
DA: Scotia man pleads guilty in rape case; To get seven years in prison | The Daily Gazette
Joel Steinhoff, 48, of Scotia, pleaded guilty to two counts of third-degree rape, felonies, prosecutors said.
He admitted to having sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 17 on two separate dates, prosecutors said.
He is to be sentenced later to a total of seven years in state prison.
Steinhoff had faced a 12-count indictment that included eight third-degree rape counts, three third-degree criminal sexual act counts and a child endangerment charge.
He had been accused of engaging in the acts from July 2020 to Dec. 6 with a 15-year-old known to him at his residence in Scotia, officials said. Scotia police identified him after his arrest as a Level 1 sex offender.