By Bob Steenson, Floyd County supervisors this week approved letters to be sent to the two companies proposing to build carbon dioxide pipelines through the county, expressing concerns regarding potential damage, safety, use of eminent domain and – through an audience-provided amendment – economic development. The board has been considering such a letter and working on the wording with the Floyd County Attorney’s Office for many months, since the …
markp3 hours agoLast Updated: June 9, 2021
A petition to bring about a special election to change how supervisors represent the residents of Floyd County has been denied.
The Coalition for Better County Government gathered over 1,000 petition signatures in an effort to move from currently electing three at-large supervisors to having one supervisor each representing three districts of equal population. However, the validity of the petition came into question when over 400 signatures were submitted on papers without verbiage of the petition’s initiative, as required on all papers being submitted.
At their regular Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday, Board President Linda Tjaden said that was the core issue.