A PoliFRONT patrol targeted - World Cup Match Haiti - England : Messages - Fake nursing diplomas in the USA, sentence - New leadership at CAS - BAC supervision : 5,483 teachers have already applied.
The journalist Ricot Jean murdered - Hipólito Mejía’s response to Claude Joseph - Statements by María Isabel Salvador after a week in Haiti (Video) - CAS Director in prison - The ANMH refuses to choose a representative to the CEP - NOTICE : Industrial.
Gold Cup 2023 : Haiti knows its opponents - The DG of the Caisse d Assistance Sociale prohibits leaving Haiti - Gang leader «Timakak» injured ? - Gang leader «Izo» banned from YouTube - The PM at the Solidarité Noaille fair.
A student injured by a stray bullet - RTVC suspends broadcasts - Cité Soleil, gang warfare, death toll on the rise - C.A.S. : Misappropriation of more than 5,000 checks ? - More than 150 active gangs in Haiti - Port-de-Paix : New Chief Prosecutor.