¿Puede el euro desafiar al dólar?
Valores de moneda
Billetes y monedas de euro
29/06/2021 03:00
Cuando la Unión Europea lanzó el euro hace dos décadas, los economistas se preguntaron si conseguiría la hazaña que ninguna otra moneda había logrado en la posguerra: desafiar al poderoso dólar estadounidense. Lo cierto es que los gestores de reservas de los bancos centrales, como también los empresarios de todo el mundo, se mantuvieron fieles en gran medida a la seguridad del billete verde.
Ahora, Europa vuelve a intentar consolidar la confianza en el euro más allá de sus fronteras. El 15 de junio se dio un paso importante con la emisión de bonos por valor de 20.000 millones de euros en el marco del plan Next Generation EU (NGEU) para impulsar las economías europeas. Esos bonos podrían rivalizar con los bonos del Tesoro estadounidense como activo seguro.
have teamed one the progressive star in recent months. outfront now democratic strategy it. and our former counselor to president clinton. aiysha. obviously we have seen this push towards the left. towards the progressive left in the democratic primary. but in 2018 the democrats leading the charge-back to win the house majority were moderates when you look across the country. could it end up hurting in the long run for harris to attach herself to someone so far left? well, first i want to kind of reframe the narrative because we keep talking about pushing leftd and pushing left. what we are seeing a push towards the future. what is a winning strategy what obama s winning strategic was and what will continue to be winning strategy is aspiration. who do we want to be asset americans who do we want to be as democrats? what policies shape ourp future and support us as we move forward? i think that you know no matter who the candidate is, the base
we ll see this is obviously congress that is not known for discipline. so we can see we ll see whether or not in plan that they are coming up with will work. all right. all right thank you very much evan. of course mueller said as everyone know that is he is only talking about what s already in the document. but the whole conversation with bill barr when he talked about whether it was misrepresented. what did i feel was misrepresented? why that s an area he could go outside the report that could be illuminating plt outfront now one of the members on the house judiciary. ted li from california. i appreciate your time. you were there in the meeting as you were trying to get the strategy together. what was discuss o discussed thank you, erin for the question. let me first say that the mueller report by itself is very damning. many americans have not read it. le all we need robert mueller to do is highlight the main portions of his report to the american people. we don t need a h
must have in order to be in the game. and those schwinn voters that they need. and that s what they ought to be looking for. they should not say anything. but aiysha here is a question i have. when you look at you know you re talking about the bill, housing for people who had been convicted of criminals. you look at the stage when ten democrats raised their hand that they would provide health care coverage for people for undocumented immigrants. we re hearing talk about free college, student loan forgiveness, medicare for all and often keeping health insurance is left off which americans find popular. the reason i point this out is that 57% of democrat haves a positive view of socialism in a primary that could be powerful. according to gallup. a recent monmouth poll 57% of americans say socialism is incompatible with american values. so by doing this in the primary, do you lose the general? yeah, so i mean, i guess i just
basically ransom for one set of hostages, they ve actually locked up more americans. we are not getting any positive response. the whole deal with israel, which is horrible, unless it s reversed by trump, will set a stage for disaster in the middle east, all these things, it s as though barack and his team, set out to do everything they could to undermine americas position in the world as they are going away president. sean: let me ask this question. i think you are raising some really good points here. here is a reality and i want you to tell me if you agree with it. because he did not respect the constitution, separation of powers, donald trump is going to spend the first few hours of his presidency or at least that first week illuminating 75% of obama s agenda. and you repeal obamacare replace