In the harmonious whisper of minimalism, a quiet rebellion against consumerism unfolds Amidst the clamour of a world enchanted by the siren song of consumerism and an insatiable hunger for more, there emerges a quiet rebellion – one that dances to the soothing rhythm of minimalism. This is not merely a design choice; it’s an […]
by Carlito Pablo on February 24th, 2021 at 9:29 AM 1 of 2 2 of 2
People collect things during the course of their lives.
In many instances, people find it hard to let go of their possessions later. For some, and especially people prone to procrastination, they put off for another day the task of tidying up.
As home-renovation specialist Brandy Kawulka notes, stuff takes up space.
“It’s just a lot of clutter, things that we don’t really need,” Kawulka told the
Straight in a phone interview.
Kawulka and her husband, Paul Keller, are the founders of Wood Be Art Renovations, a home renovation company based in New Westminster.