Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen joined bi-partisan efforts to bring relief to small businesses struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Senate Bill 74, also known as the “Keep California Working Act”, is aimed at helping our community’s small businesses that make up 97% of California businesses.
“Small businesses, their employees and their families are hurting and need relief now,” said Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen. “I can think of no better use of the State Budget surplus than to boost our local economies and keep businesses open. People want to get back to work so they can provide food, housing and basic needs for their family. This bill works to accomplish just that.”
Today, Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen joined Assemblymember James Gallagher and fellow colleagues in submitting a letter to the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) requesting they cease enforcement against restaurants who continue operations at this time.
ABC’s administrative and disciplinary actions against licensees are based on the prohibition against permitting a disorderly house, Business and Profess Code §25601.
“These statues were put in place to prevent fights, assaults and public drunkenness, not to discipline small businesses trying to survive during a pandemic,” said Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen. “Our local businesses are doing everything they can to follow best practices and guidelines from the state to keep their employees and consumers safe and healthy. There is no specific data stating that outdoor dining, social distancing, use of masks and robust sanitization contributes to the spread.”
Last week, Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen was sworn into office in Sacramento and immediately announced a bill package she co-authored aimed at fixing the Employment Development Department (EDD).
“This pandemic has revealed the inefficiency of the EDD. Hard-working Californians who have lost their jobs are not receiving the help they need and instead, the money is going to prison-inmate scammers who are finding loopholes in the EDD’s weak system,” said Assemblywoman Janet Nguyen. “My colleagues and I have put together a bill package that will tackle these issues, hold the EDD accountable and get people the money they need to provide for themselves and their families during this difficult time.”