[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] mr. President [inaudible conversations] tonight, on the communicators, cbnc Cyber Security reporter on the book kingdom of lies about cyber crime. If we want to understand why all of these things are happening to us, whether it is the exploitation of the algorithms that run twitter and facebook in order to help the Russian Intelligence Agency influence an election, or the rans ransomware thats taken down big cities like baltimore and atlanta, we have to understand the people who are behind these things and all of them are different. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan2. In the wake of the recent shootings in el paso, texas and dayton, ohio, the House Judiciary Committee will return early from the summer recess to markup three gun violence pr prevention bills, by those deemed to be risk to themselves and those with a misdemeanor of hate crimes to purchase a gun. Live coverage september 4th at 10 a. M. Eastern on cspan and cspan. Org. If y
Special exhibition that is titled determine, the 400year struggle for black equality. It is part of the statewide commemoration of the 400th anniversary of significant events that happened in virginia. And fundamentally shaped the course of American History. It is called american evolution 2019. And the determined exhibition is a legacy project of that statewide commemoration. And in particular, determined commemorates the 1619 arrival of the africans in virginia. It looks at the ensuing 400 years and traces the legacy of slavery in virginia through emancipation, segregation, the modern Civil Rights Movement up until the present day. One of the unifying themes is the struggle for equality. It explores various ways in which black virginians have fought for equality and that means freedom from enslavement and oppression. Whether that means fighting for equal justice and equal access for opportunities. It is for the consideration of humanity. The exhibition covers a broad chronological ar
Slavery in the united states, through 1950. This was a period that witnessed both progress and backlash. For black americans. After the civil war black virginians and americans embrace new opportunities with new education, new civil rights, political participation, building new communities, starting new businesses and so forth. On one hand, black lives flourished under the new promises afforded by freedom in American Society. Black people suffered from backlash from the white establishment that wanted to reassert its power and supremacy and control over people of color. At the same time that we see the amazing strides in black process, we also see regress in the form of disenfranchisement legalized segregation in American Society. We will look at a few stories that exemplify push and pull dynamic of progress and backlash. The section starts with reconstruction and key legislative amendments that fundamentally shape the rights of black people in america. The 13th amendment, first in 186
Brothel. Extreme history is a nonprofit that is located here in bozeman. We bring history to the public in fun, engaging and relevant ways. We do historic walking tours throughout the summer. We do a lecture series in the winter and we do workshops and other events around history. We try to get people to engage in history. What better way then in a historic brothel . In the 1980s, there was a real push to uncover more of the social history. In doing that, there is more to history than just wars and generals and all of those things that we have been studying as historians for many years. We started looking at womens history. We started looking at Minority Community history. We really discovered that there is so much more to tell within these narratives that we constructed over the years. That is really how the extreme history project was formed. A colleague of mine started thinking about all of the stories that you were not hearing about the people who founded this town like Marion Rich
Slavery in the united states, through 1950. This was a period that witnessed both progress and backlash. Blackthe civil war virginians and americans embraced new opportunities. On one hand, black lives flourished under the new promises afforded by freedom in American Society. Black people suffer from backlash from the white establishment. At the same time that we see the incess, we also see regress the form of disenfranchisement and legal s segregation in the forms of American Society. We will look at a few stories that exemplify push and pull dynamic. The section starts with reconstruction and key legislative amendments that fundamentally shape the rights of black people in america. In 13th amendment, first 1865, which finally and definitively ended 246 years of slavery and america. Ratified in 18 68, which guaranteed Citizenship Rights to domer slaves and promised to process and protection under the law to all americans. Its an amendment regularly cited in legal cases today. Amendmen