The Assam Police on Tuesday detained two individuals including Asom Miyan (Asomiya) Parishad president Mohar Ali after the Goalpara district administration sealed the private Miyan Museum set up by Muslims.
Assam police since April this year have arrested around 40 terror suspects in connection to Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), an affiliate of the Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) terror group backed modules and a strict vigilance is being maintained, particularly in the minority-dominated areas of western and central Assam.
The Assam Police on Tuesday detained two individuals including Asom Miyan (Asomiya) Parishad president Mohar Ali after the Goalpara district administration sealed the private "Miya Museum" set up by Muslims.The museum was sealed by .
Amid the controversy around the setting up of private "Miya Museum" in Assam's Goalpara, the district administration sealed the museum on Tuesday soon after Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma raised questions on its funding.The museum .