AHSEC Exam 2021 Not CANCELLED: BIG UPDATE on Assam Board Class 12 exam schedule
AHSEC Assam HS Board Exam 2021: Assam Board Class 12 exam will be conducted in July-August, a letter from the state board said on Wednesday. Assam Board Class 12 Exam 2021
Updated: Jun 10, 2021, 10:21 AM IST
AHSEC Assam HS Board Exam 2021: Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) is going to conduct the class 12 exam 2021 in July-August, according to a letter released by the state board. The Class 12 exam was earlier scheduled to be held on May 12 but was postponed due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The state government has decided to conduct the examinations in a meeting with stakeholders and education department officials in Guwahati. The exam details are yet to be released and are expected to be announced in the next 10 days.