funding. if you don t like the thousand american troops that are helping to destroy isil, cut off funding. be consistent here. i want more american troops, 5,000 or 6,000 like we have in iraq o to help destroy isil. that means it will accelerate the demise of isil. i want to train opposition forces to take assad down. he s a threat to the united states because he s a proxy of iran. hees used chemical weapons, violated a treaty that he signed. i think it is up to us to enforce thatat treaty. we re on sound legal footing here, but our strategy is not yet developed. what comes next? i m glad trump did this. he is no longer obama in the eyes of our enemies, but needs to do morer to close the deal. there is a new sheriff in town. do you think there is a moral difference between the usedo of chemical weapons and barrel bombs? no, there is a legal difference. not a moral difference. if you re a mother, your baby is dead. but we do have treaties that we signed all over the world, saying we
to win the war on isil or replace assad. so you think syria, a sovereign country not mentioned at all in the current world organization, somehow you can send troops into that sovereign nation without having to have congress grant the president more authority there. i think you re in the minority view on that. don t you think, senator? no, we already got troops on the ground. i don t see anybody saying cut off funding. if you don t like the thousand american troops that are helping to destroy isil, cut off funding. be consistent here. i want more american troops, 5 or 6,000 like we have in iraq, to help destroy isil. that means it will accelerate the demise of isil. i want to train opposition forces to take assad down. he s a threat to the united states because he s a proxy of iran. he used chemical weapons. he violated a treaty that he signed. i think it s up to us to enforce that treaty. we re all on sound legal footing here, but our strategy is not yet developed. what comes next?
we need to have more sanctions on russia that would impact the syrian government as well. this is a time i think for president trump, he s recognizing this is a greater challenge. i think nikki haley plays a little more of the bad cop role in pointing out russia s atrocities. it is clear that these children s blood is on the hands of assad and putin. these regimes are working together and the united states will need to find a way not only in the international community. it is not just being critical and calling out, condemning the actions, but really figuring out a way to bring assad down. i think senator marco rubio was clear today, being critical of the trump administration and basically saying what tillerson said, that assad would be acceptable, testing should there be a shift in policy? james: let s hear what king abdullah of jordan said.
we need to have more sanctions on russia that would impact the syrian government as well. this is a time i think for president trump, he s recognizing this is a greater challenge. i think nikki haley plays a little more of the bad cop role in pointing out russia s atrocities. it is clear that these children s blood is on the hands of assad and putin. these regimes are working together and the united states will need to find a way not only in the international community. it is not just being critical and calling out, condemning the actions, but really figuring out a way to bring assad down. i think senator marco rubio was clear today, being critical of the trump administration and basically saying what tillerson said, that assad would be acceptable, testing should there be a shift in policy? james: let s hear what king abdullah of jordan said.
i want to partner with arabs and turkey to go after isil in the mideast. we have an historic moment, turkey now aligned with us regarding isil and other al qaeda elements as well as trying to take assad down. there s an historic moment here with a smart president to reset the middle east and take radical islam and put them on the back foot using people in the region who have similar interests. you called for 10,000 troops in iraq and 10,000 in syria as part of coalition to fight isis, something other republicans have not said, you say any candidate unwilling to commit is not serious about fighting isis. i want you to take a listen to what senator ted cruz told me last week. look, there are some politicians who like to support boots on the ground in every conflict across the globe in an effort to lean forward and show how tough they respect i don t think it s a gail of risk. i don t think it should be politicians moving armies about.