Op-Ed: The World Bank backed law of security rights in movable assets in Ethiopia has flaws that need to be addressed urgently addisstandard 2021-06-09
A picture from a recent signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, a main
development partner of Ethiopia. Picture: Ministry of Finance.
By Asress Adimi Gikay
Addis Abeba, June 9, 2021 – The Ethiopian Parliament enacted a modern law governing security rights in movable assets in 2019. The Movable Property Security Rights Proclamation was drafted with the assistance of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Enacted in response to the dire need of the Ethiopian financial sector as well as small and medium-sized enterprise for a comprehensive law governing collateralization of movable assets that is pivotal to enhancing access to credit, the law permits borrowers to use many types of assets including vehicles, agricultural goods such as crops, equipment, and incorporeal assets such as inte