Wall Street analysts expect Spero Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SPRO – Get Rating) to announce earnings of ($0.77) per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Two analysts have issued estimates for Spero Therapeutics’ earnings. The lowest EPS estimate is ($0.90) and the highest is ($0.56). Spero Therapeutics posted earnings per share of ($0.63) during the […]
worse. joe can t read the room and see america is in bad shape. everybody else in the country sees it. you know it s bad when even cnn is talking about it. look at this, aaron, 65% of americans in our brand new cnn poll tonight say they are concerned about how things are going in the u.s. only 4% excited, 10% optimistic. even one in five say that they are scared. jesse: 86% are concerned and scared. but, hey, no more mean tweets, right? people are seeing a president who not only is one step behind, but one who doesn t care about the crisis he created. listen to how the white house responded when they were asked how americans are going to find extra cash to pay off the bills. the prices already came down when it was announced ahead of time biden was going to release so much so much energy some barrels of oil from the spro. my guess we will see it continue
Spero Therapeutics (NASDAQ:SPRO – Get Rating) announced its quarterly earnings data on Monday. The company reported ($1.01) EPS for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of ($0.87) by ($0.14), MarketWatch Earnings reports. Spero Therapeutics had a negative net margin of 491.65% and a negative return on equity of 87.72%. During the same period in the […]
on the leases that they already own, because we very much understand that it is a world supply of oil and gas that is so important for energy costs and he wants to ensure that those prices remain manageable for households. just to be clear, what s happening with russia and ukraine is compounding a problem that was already starting, right. so this is exacerbating something that was already in effect before the war. what about a national gas tax holiday? so, look, the president understands the uncertainty and the costs that rising prices pay for, the cost on families. all measures are on the table. he s focussed on these issues. so, one, he s trying to address oil and gas prices. i mentioned the spro, all other options are on the table as well. he s been focus odd on reducing the cost for families on really important items such as reducing prescription costs, making child care and home care more affordable, lowering the cost of housing which will increase
focus on ukraine. it is a huge, huge issue that demands the attention of the leader of the free world. however, there are people in this country who are getting more frustrated, more upset. more worried about the fact that they have to pay so much more for their not just for their gasoline but for their groceries and other goods and i talked to democrats who are on the ballot who want the president to quote, unquote, get out there. not one said don t hide anymore in the white house. get out and talk about these issues. and at least have, if they can t be beyond doing spro, or the strategic petroleum reserves. sometimes it seems like a tough conversation but we re in an election year. the president is trying to keep the coalition together and keep the focus on ukraine and putin. but if you look at this kaiser family poll on the, what do you care about right now?