The Brown County Commissioners and the Brown County Road Crew spoke with a representative from Asphalt Zipper about road construction and Aslphalt Zipper’s services. Richard Lehmkuhl attended the meeting through
The three Brown County Commissioners-Lamar Shoemaker of District 2, William Pollock of District 3, and Richard Lehmkuhl of District 1-discussed various topics during the Nov. 6 meeting that included payment
Lansford Borough Council moved forward with the purchase of road repair equipment that one resident claims was done illegally.
Council voted 3-2 last week to ratify a sealed bid the borough sent to th.
Lansford Borough Council never discussed or publicly authorized a bid it submitted for the purchase of road repair equipment from the Carbon County Council of Governments, a former councilman said.
The Henderson County Commissioners Court voted Tuesday to issue a 30 day disaster declaration in response to the elevated threat of wildfires brought about by the prolonged drought conditions.