Ongoing epidemic of gun violence. I am the executive director of the Health Medicine and science program. Health medicine and society, the sponsor of Public Health at the aspen institute. Rounds is a timehonored feature of medicine to keep clinicians up to date about scientific and medical advancements. Now in its eighth year, borrowing from the tradition to advance knowledge about Population Health issues of the day. Sadly but most urgently, we have a topic for discussion. Statistics on firearm injury in the u. S. Are bleak. They threatened to become numbing. Firearms killed more than 48,000 americans and injured twice as many. Most firearm deaths are caused by suicide while homicides are the most common cause under the age of 18. The United States has adjusted homicide rates 22 times higher than the european union. That toll does not stop with the victims. Given the trauma and fear associated with the proximity to violence, it affects millions. Becoming numb is not something the nati
Buckeye broadband supports cspan is a public servicelong with these other Television Providers giving you a frontrow seat to democracy. Next, a discussion about gun violence prevention with former health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius and former senator and physician bill frist. They joined advocates to consider the importance of recognizing gun violence as a Public Health crisis and what solutions are available from a Public Health perspective. From the Aspen Institute this is one hour. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] well, good afternoon, everybody. Come on, you can be tired yet. And welcome to Public Health at the Aspen Institute would lead to have you here for this most important at advantage woulde most timely discussion about the ongoing epidemic of gun violence in this country. I am ruth katz, executive director of Health Medicine and Society Program at the Aspen Institute, and you tell everybody else. Health medicine and society, the sponsor
Solutions from a Public Health perspective. If this is one hour. Good afternoon. You cannot be tired yet. Welcome to the aspen institute. We are delighted to have you for this timely discussion about the ongoing epidemic of gun violence. I am the executive director of the Health Medicine and science program. Health medicine and society, the sponsor of Public Health at the aspen institute. Rounds is a timehonored feature of medicine to keep clinicians up to date about scientific and medical advancements. Now in its eighth year, borrowing from the tradition to advance knowledge about Population Health issues of the day. Sadly but most urgently, we have a topic for discussion. Statistics on firearm injury in the u. S. Are bleak. They threatened to become numbing. Firearms killed more than 48,000 americans and injured twice as many. Most firearm deaths are caused by suicide while homicides are the most common cause under the age of 18. The United States has adjusted homicide rates 22 times
Good afternoon, well get started while ruth is getting taped. Im elliott gurstein and delighted to see you all today. You know we dont usually start quite this promptly but were not always being taped live by cspan. Were delighted to have them here today. And this is a particularly exciting entry in our longstanding Public Health rounds sponsored by our Health Society and medicine program. The focus today is the inaugural report of the aspen Health Strategy group. The name Health Strategy group is taken from the aspen Strategy Group for those who are familiar with American Foreign policy. Probably know about the group, its undoubtedly the leading Bipartisan Group of its kind looking at Critical Issues of Foreign Policy and we established the group with that in mind, to bring together remarkable people from across different sectors in the American Health and medical landscape to look at the most pressing problems and come together with different perspectives to make recommendations for
This promptly, but we are not always being taped live by cspan. We are delighted to have them here today. This is a particularly exciting entry in our longstanding programs. Lth the focus today is the inaugural report of the aspen Health Strategy group. The name come Health Strategy group, is taken from the aspen Strategy Group. For those of you familiar with american foreignpolicy, you probably know about the aspen Strategy Group, the leading Bipartisan Group of its kind cannot looking at Critical Issues of foreign policy. And we established a Health Strategy group with that in mind, bringing together remarkable people from different sectors in the American Health and medical landscape to look at the most pressing problems and to come together with different perspectives to make recommendations for change. Particular group is cochaired by former secretary of governor kathleen sebelius, who is with us today, and tommy thompson. The mission is to promote improvements in policy and pract