i do have one final skf you as your president. the same thing i asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago. i m asking you to believe, not in my ability to bring about change but in yours. i m asking to you hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents, that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists, that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice. that creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon, that creed at core of every american whose story is not yet written. yes we can. yes we did, yes we can, thank you, god bless you. may god continue to bless the united states of america.
bud: see ya, buddy. today, sha s got a heing, we ll see ht es. gooduck! soit turns out buzd driving and drunk iving, they re e hing and it costs around $10,000. whenou re cse to peop you love, does psoasis ever get the y of? you have deratetoevere psorias, you can embrace thchance of comy clearatetoevere psorias, skinith taz. with tas haa siifant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in f ft, 4 out of 10 e aceved completely ear skin. not use if you e leic to ltz. before startinu shou be checke r berculos. taltz may increase your skf fections and lower your ability toight them. te your door if you are beg ted for an infeconor have syto. and lower your ability toight them.
and to think this one actually haa surround-sound stereo. the 2016 cla. lee the cla250 for $299 a month at youlocal mermees-ben z dealer. e be onothing. i m one unluc guy. the chae being involved in aobbery is 1 in 757. the chances of being struck by ightning. [thunder] [coughs] 1 in 0,000. pleaseasten ur seatbeltson p.a.: announcer: the chances of being a victim in an airle crash, get some peanuts?oi the chances of being invved in a car crash are far greater than lightning strikes and plane crashes d if you are textingile dri, your skf crash increases 23 times.
impartial jury particularly because everybody in boston knows something about this case. unless you re living under a rock you know something about this case. this will be the largest jury pool in the history of boston. there will be 1200 people fred of which more selected 12. i think the process of the jury selection. the federal judge george o toole plays a very significant role in this. i think you can achieve a fair and impartial jury. and i think despite the efforts of the defense team. there s a pending motion right now in the federal court of appeals ultimately will be denied either today or sunday. this case starts up first thing on monday morning. richard, prosecutors and defense attorneys each want to see jurors that are favorable to them. what are the questions a defense attorney is likely to skf a perspective juror? do you come here with any
activism, we want skf. you wanted them to set a timetable. this was a reason for the protest. people went to the square because people believed the military wanted to impose principles, that even with the transition to the government, they would still be separate. it s like we ll give you this authority, but we re still in charnl. you have 15,000 military trials. the interior ministry was overhauled, but the changes were extremely cosmetic. the military still the source of authority and the trials of mubarak and all people were chaotic. in nine months, that you didn t do anything. that here is a regime where one arm of the regime decided to throw over mu back to maintain power. so they went to demand. we want you to give us a timetable to tell us when you are going to leave and the military did that. they said we re going to leave