heavily armed left wing militia group, the guys dressed likeft storm troopers in black masks, you remember them, of course. well, from a summer of 2020, they burned our cities thatcitis year. churches and police stations and courthouses. thw, the point of the violence they committed, the extensive violence and the killings they committed was to defeat donald they cos donald trump, make the country so chaotic thatc voters would want to change. ero they were effective in doing that. so effective.tive t the kamalahat harris herselfjal raised money to bail them out e of jail.nd a the end. antifa played a pivotal role in our presidential election that more so than any other organized bloc of voters. thepresidn the moment joe bin was inaugurated antifa seemed to disappear, nobody asked any questions about where they went, much less about who they were or who was paying them. they d serve their purpose. and then they left. so in retrospect, it s very clear who antifa was and i
well, have you ever checked the percentage of january 6 defendants? have experienced pee a personal bankruptcy, muchnt higher than average. these are actual working class people, deeply frustrated, completely out of options and unheard by everyone in washington has an excuse for the vandalism, some of thembanku committed. but it tells you it spt a vel different group of people. they didn t go to middlebury or some other liberal artsl arts madrassa. they re actual working people. thbut they re in jail. and the rich kids are out. garlan and i m going to ask merrick e garland to explain that is i m going to ask what in tifa is who leads this group?at antis how many more rights do they have to lead before the new york times gets interested? and does a five part seriess gt on what is this? who are thess e people ? t who pays for this?ground what do they stay at night? what s their background? give us some news on an tifa. they re the biggest armed militia in the united states . and we