Our streaming editor doesn t need Netflix — and you may not either in February. Here s why to cut ties with Big Red this month, while signing on to other streaming services.
Wondering how to change clothes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet? We ll help you choose the fit that s right for you. Get ready to be rid of those awful shorts.
Pokemon Games Top Three Best Rivals
Photo : Screenshot from Mixeli s Official YouTube Channel Pokemon video games throughout the years of its existence and establishment in the industry and in the world has been known to give and provide some of the greatest rivalries as being developed from the player s main character or avatar in the game to go against a Pokemon trainer who could be proclaimed as their own rival.
Since the first Pokemon games released in history known as the Pocket Monsters Red and the Pocket Monsters Green way back in 1996, it already showed and poised rivalries between the player s Pokemon trainer counterpart in the game, and another rival which could possess the skills and strengths to go on against the provided and developed prowess of the player. Some may be real antagonists initiating evil plans and deeds, yet some are just skilled and proven Pokemon trainers with the same intention and goal just like the players; to be the best Trainer in the wor