fast forward to when this democratic congressman was on fox news. he said that the white house contacted him and basically said to him, cool it. a lot of times his administration gets angry when his party speaks up and speaks out. ask cory booker about that. have you gotten that call? yes, i have. but let me just say this. i m more concerned not about who gets angry with me at the white house. i m more concerned about my constituents that want to find a practical solution to this question that we re facing down there at the border. who called you? we ll just leave it like that. did they tell you to pipe down? we ll just leave it like that. all right. michael smerconish, let me bring you in, that s my spring board. you have the white house now, someone from the white house calling congressman cuellar saying cool it. do you think that sun is unfair or necessary evil in politics? i think you and i are getting
legislative activity. as you pointed out, 71-26 didn t hinge on the colorado senator s vote on that input for castro. he mentioned that he s working on a piece of legislation to try to counter the hobby lobby contraception ruling in the supreme court. clearly the udall campaign believes targeting women on this particular issue is something that will turn their numbers around. numbers that don t look good for them right now. all right. bret, we ll be sure to watch you at 6:00 eastern on special report. thanks much. no wonder we didn t know more about the many disasters at va medical centers across the country before. why? there was apparently a sinister culture of retaliation and retribution against any whistle-blower who dared to speak up. right now there are 67 active complaints by veterans affairs employees being investigated. each claim they were punished for reporting problems at va
i m more concerned not about who gets angry at me at the white house. i m more concerned about my constituents. who called you? we ll just leave it like that. what do you make of that? it s not the first time. brian brought up the fact that cory booker, now a senator in new jersey, faced the same kind of so-called penalty after he spoke up. what do you make of this? it s the white house saying, you know, enough hammering us. however, to the representative s credit, being a democrat, he has not stopped talking since that call that he talked about this morning. he has gone further and said it really is bizarre to see pictures of president obama playing pool in colorado while he s going to texas and he will be 200 miles from the border and yet won t see the crisis that s developing there. for democrats to say that, obviously it s significant. he probably is getting pushback within his own party but it s significant that going to the
border is becoming a call from republicans and democrats. no doubt. meantime, president obama holding a fund-raiser in colorado just minutes from now for a senator. only problem is the senator is not going to be there deciding to skip his own event. you can see the invite right on the screen there. it had his name on it. the senator says it s because he had to vote at the confirmation hearing for the next hud secretary but castro won that vote. even though cameras aren t allowed at the fundraisers, it seems apparent that udall didn t want to be seen in any capacity next to the president. it s definitely true. this will be a tight race in colorado. cory gardner is a tough opponent for mark udall and clearly udall is running away from the white house and this is all part of it. we saw it with mary landrieu in louisiana earlier in the year. it s interesting to see senator udall say a last-minute vote and
fox news alert. because we re about to tell you about the president s road trip right now. he s in denver attending a fund-raiser for a democratic senator who didn t even show up for it. next hour he ll head to dallas, texas, where governor rick perry won t greet him on the tarmac. chief white house correspondent ed henry is traveling with the president today. hi, ed. does the president have a plan to combat this crisis on the border? reporter: it depends on who you talk to. the democrats say the president has been pushing for years to get comprehensive immigration reform. you listen to texas republicans on the senate loor ripping into the president. what he s saying is let s stop talking about this broader reform when we have a crisis on