Shah Rukh Khan’s slick spy actioner Pathaan is being played at the world's highest altitude movie theatre in snow-clad Leh, Ladakh. For the residents of the Union Territory, the anticipation is at its peak for Shah Rukh Khan's much-awaited comeback film, which is being screened in these inflatable theatres. The theatre shall screen four shows a day.
NEW DELHI,/ MUMBAI, Jan 25: Shah Rukh Khan’s “Pathaan” opened on Wednesday to massive celebrations, bringing back days of hooting, whistling and dancing in the aisles, in packed single and multi screen theatres across the country and also scattered protests. Given the huge response to the film, which opened in 5,000 screens with big cities, including Delhi-NCR and Mumbai, beginning shows at 6 am and 7 am, Yash Raj Films said it had added a post midnight 12.30 am show […]