Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Wednesday, May 5, the History Department, along with the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, welcomed Dr. Cindy I-Fen Cheng, Ph.D., for her virtual lecture Anti-Asian Sentiment Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. Fifty-nine Seton Hall and local community members joined the session on Microsoft Teams.
Dr. Anne Giblin Gedacht, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Affiliated Faculty, Asian Studies Program, opened the program by welcoming Dr. Cheng and thanking participants for attending. Dr. Cheng is a Professor of History and the Asian American Studies program director at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her first book,
Citizens of Asian America: Democracy and Race during the Cold War, explored how Asian Americans shaped the credibility of U.S. democracy during the early Cold War years. Her current project, titled Rebuilding California s Skid Row Neighborhoods: Southeast Asian and Central American Refugees and the Growth of the Homeless Po