Sri Lanka s central government and state enterprises were up to 1,368 billion US dollars in arrears in foreign and domestic debt and suppliers credits, up to June 2022, an official statement has shown.
COLOMBO (News 1st) - The Central Bank of Bangladesh last week issued a circular advising all authorized dealers, including banks, to refrain from - Get the latest breaking news and top stories from Sri Lanka, the latest political news, sports news, weather updates, exam results, business news, entertainment news, world news and much more from News 1st, Sri Lanka's leading news network.
Sri Lanka s forex reserves were down to 1,716 million US dollars in August 2022 from 1,817 million US dollars a month earlier, Central Bank data showed.
Sri Lanka s sovereign rating remains at Selective Default (SD), but the country s sovereign bonds were downgraded to D after missed interest payments, Standard and Poor s, a rating agency said.