facts right. breitbart news has nothing to do with birtherism. i can tell you that, i am the person that reported on some of that phenomenon. we ll discuss that with kurt in a moment who is also here. is he bigoted in anyway that you know of? not at all. steve bannon does not have a bone of prejudice in his body. he went out of his way to look for talent among none traditional conservatives. he brought people on board, i see kurt there on television, he s an asian-american conservative. here we are an asian-american conservative, orthodoxed jew who worked for steve bannon. then why traffic in that? can you name for me one white
person that reported on some of that phenomenon. we ll discuss that with kurt who was a spokesman, in a moment who is also here. is he bigoted in anyway that you know of? not at all. steve bannon does not have a bone of prejudice in his body. in fact, steve bannon went out of his way at breitbart to look for talent among non traditional conservatives. he brought people on board, i see kurt there on television, he s an asian-american conservative. here we are an asian-american conservetive, orthodox jewish conservative, both of whom work for steve bannon, and the question is whether he is an anti-sem test? i think not. then why traffic in that? can you name for me one white nationalist article at breitbart? just one.