The Bombay High Court had earlier directed the Taloja prison authority to provide sufficient clean drinking water to inmates who had complained of inadequate water supply.
The petitioner told the court that the prisoners are being provided 1 to 1.5 buckets of water a day for drinking, washing, bathing purposes and the same contains dust and sediments
Bidre case lawyer asked to prove attendance in court
Prosecutor threatens to drop case if police don’t clear bills
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Prosecutor threatens to drop case if police don’t clear bills
In a new twist in the Ashwini Bidre murder trial, the Navi Mumbai Police have sent a letter to Public Prosecutor Pradeep Gharat asking him to prove his attendance at each hearing in court.
Mr. Gharat said the police have asked him to furnish the details of his attendance even as half of his bill is still awaiting clearance.
“The Navi Mumbai Police have asked me to prove my attendance in court. It is the duty of the police to keep tabs on the case by sending their representatives on the date of hearing to court. To know about my attendance, they should be checking the