Revolutionary CO2 conversion system for producing food, drugs, and biofuels. John Ericsson, the inventor of the BioStim research system and commercial scale
Revolutionary biomass turbocharger for O2, food, drugs and biofuels
Our electromagnetic growth research may result in creating more than a 300% plus increase in land- based commercial and space station biomass production of pure oxygen, biofuels and nutrients.” John Ericsson the inventor of the “BioStim” research systemLOS ALAMOS, NEW MEXICO, USA, April 6, 2021 / John Ericsson, the inventor of the “BioStim” research system believes “Our electromagnetic growth research may result in creating more than a 300% plus increase in land-based commercial and space station biomass production of pure oxygen, biofuels and nutrients.” The 20-month Renewable Energy and Efficiency Technology (REET) research project was directed by Dr. Ashvini Chauhan at Florida A&M University, which focused on growing a special blend of Florida alga biomass while studying the interaction of rare-earth magnet powered energy with artific