There have been several local writers releasing children’s books, so I decided to do a review on them. To help me out I’m joined by my 10-year-old niece Londyn. We
Story time at Bossard
By Bossard Staff - Special to OVP
Author Suzanne Alexander signs copies of her books on Monday after story time at Bossard Library. Following a reading of The Tip of the Tale, children completed a fox-themed craft.
Bossard Library | Courtesy
GALLIPOLIS Local author Suzanne Alexander was Bossard Memorial Library’s guest presenter at story time on Monday where she read her recently-released children’s book The Tip of the Tale.
The Tip of the Tale features the story of how the fox got a white-tipped tail. It won first place in the Children’s Book Category of the West Virginia Writers’ Contest as an unpublished manuscript. This picture book was illustrated by Ashley Teets, an award-winning author and illustrator.