Electronic witnesses could catch drivers illegally passing stopped school buses in Plum. The Plum School District has equipped about one-third of its vehicles with external cameras and is working toward having cameras on all of them, according to Assistant Superintendent Ashley Boyers. The district placed multiple cameras on 23 buses
The Plum School Board has renewed contracts for two district administrators. The new contracts for Assistant Superintendent Denise Sedlacek and Ryan Manzer, chief financial officer, began Tuesday. Sedlacek’s three-year agreement runs through June 30, 2026, while Manzer’s five-year agreement is through June 30, 2028. Each of their salaries were set
The Plum School Board filled the remaining vacancies in the district’s administrative team created by the departure and advancement of personnel. During a special voting meeting Tuesday, the board approved hiring Patrick Baughman as principal of Plum High School, Stephan Sereda as an assistant high school principal and Adam Szarmach
Plum School District officials recently appointed Monroeville resident Maria Fajt as Center Elementary’s new principal. Fajt started this school year as interim principal at the K-4 school. District officials said former principal Jason Knisely had stepped down to go back in the classroom. He is also listed as the district’s