the doj has been allowedd to to prosecute and jail hundredsfv of nonviolent political protesters whose crimprotese is having the wrong opinions lies aboute january six . those have been relentless, have enabled some of the most unscrupulous people in our country to make a mockery of our bill of rights and to steal our core freedoms soey cat they can t talk about ashley babbette talking about ashleyhlb babbetteab makes it veryrits are clear who the real culprits are and who the real threats to this country continue to be. and they re not. not the january 6th protesters. heyi so instead they lie about th what happened that day and they do idat in the boldest possible ways without shame and with maximum aggression. e here s hakeem jeffries, leadee of the democrats in the house,ts in thtelling you that five polt officers were killed on january 6th when in fact tn fact, the rr total is zero. we are gathered here honor to honor their memory and acknowledge with deep gratitudmemory a e th
0 to reconvene for the fourteenth vote for the speaker of the house. unfortunately, though, it won ts happen during the show. anyway.. by that s all the time we havecop, left this evening, by the way, t cop , new york city cop shot, heeling hero. let s give it u p for him. you come here right now, your heartbeat from the war is next. covering the house vote . remem have a great weekend. we ll see you back here, hopefully with speaker. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, kevin mccarthy s continued attempt to become speaker of the house continues at this hour. take the house is expected to take another vote late tonight. you ll see it live here on fox,i of course. but first,rst an anniversary to years ago today. a capitolrs hill police unard officer called michael bird shot an unarmed woman in the neck. at the time of that killing,llin bird had a documented history gr gross negligence with a firearm. he left a loaded glock pistoosse in a public men s room at the ca
and he didn t because therey. aren t any not one . the only person we can say for sure who was killed on january 6th was an unarmed female trump voter called ashley babbette, who posed no physical threat to anyone. she was shot to death by a reckless police officer. that killingr. is never investigated because she was a . and you don t need an excuse to kill with .e is the season never closes.g limi there s not, back limit. shoot all you want. yoat s the message. when you re , there is no feelt to what they can do to you and feel morally justified as they do now. there was s a timeth not so lont ago when democratic leaders told us that beat cops were. r remember that they were the . joe biden s own vicece presi president raise bail moneyy thrg collected through something called the minnesota freedom fund in order to free peoplea fr accused of committing violence against the police. one of the so-called acc protess that kamala harris helped spring from jail was a felon called sean micha
in jeopardy and he doesn t need to be doing this . it s not what people would do in the capital . it s potentially illegal to criticize you. taylor lorenz now steve scalise, what is this yet another recording? kevin mccarthy suggests that twitter should continue to censor republicans, pull them off the internet. now he made that remark in response to a tweet he didn t like from alabama republican congressman barry moore who was justifiably outraged by the death of ashley babbette. listen to tweeted at marjorie green that they were wrong. i understand it was a black police officers that had shot the white female veteran. you know, that doesn t fit the narrative they this is what we re we have to confront them. can t they take into account the racist? well, actually that claim turned out to be completely
and inspectors and investigators to investigate me as to the language on that whiteboard and then to confront a staffer with it. i haveve a young staffer there. he answers the door and hereth youer have three special agents that look like the gestapo asking him questions about the content of my whiteboard. and the real question is h how the hell did you get that picture of my whiteboard insidei this congressional office? that s the question. and the chief doesn t seem to want to answer such questions to answer ques that , congressmr it sounds almost n as if they spent more time investigate you thanha the shooting of ashley babbette . well, i tend to like that they would have said all w of it. yeah, they seem to be s spending a lotpe of time looking at my whiteboard in the words m body armor and a little handwritten map of the rayburn building. i wish they would have taken the time to lookdi at the intelligence on january six and they shouldak spend timc