A look at the overwhelming support of the Oriental Jewish working class for the right-wing bourgeois Zionist Likkud party, and arguing that this support comes from the socio-economic structure of Israeli society.
Hearts & Minds: An Original Look at Each Parsha in the Torah by Pini Dunner; Otzrot Books, 2021.
Many Jews believe.
As many as 300,000 Jews left Morocco; while many emigrated to Canada or France, the majority arrived in Israel. These new citizens experienced considerable prejudice. The suppression of Mizrahi heritage, which was considered inferior and equated with the culture of Israel’s Arab “enemies,” led, in the early 1970s, to the formation of Israel’s own “Black Panther” movement, which aimed to bring the challenges of Mizrahi populations into the public sphere. Sadly, discrimination was commonplace, but Israel is slowly trying to rectify this poor legacy.