15 Jan 2021 : Nathan Griffin Game of Thrones set in Titanic Studios COVID 19 has left the Film & TV industry in something of a contradictory situation at the moment. With lockdown driving more and more audiences towards streaming platforms this has increased the need for original content while simultaneously making it more and more difficult to shoot content.
Going forward however one thing is certain, studio space will be key to attracting high-level productions to these shores. There is currently an acute global shortage of studio space to meet the growing demands of those engaged in the aforementioned content creation race. High demand for studio infrastructure and skyrocketing domestic real estate prices in the USA - particularly in California and New York - are compounding the problem. In 2016, the Los Angeles soundstage occupancy rate was 96%. Since then demand has increased considerably.
Greystones to host Ireland s newest film-studio complex
An artist s impression of the new Greystones Film Studio and Media Campus
Wicklow County Council has granted ten-year planning permission to Greystones Media Campus Ltd for a “state of the art” multi-studio film and media campus in the coastal town of Greystones. The investment, amounting to €150 million, will back the building of a 73,511 m
2 studio space, alongside offices and ancillary production buildings constructed on the 50-acre site at the IDA Business and Technology Park at Greystones. The completion of the project will result in the stage capacity of the Emerald Isle s audiovisual industry being doubled. The economic impact, valued at €1.54 billion gross, will contribute to creating over 1,500 new jobs and will represent a major boost for the small seaside resort and its surroundings.