FROSTPROOF, FLA. (WSVN) – A 32-year-old woman from Orlando, identified as Ashauntie Cox, was arrested on Friday, May 19, after causing serious bodily harm to.
A 32-year-old Orlando woman faces charges after driving under the influence and causing two crashes that ejected two children in her vehicle, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office.
A Florida woman is accused of smoking marijuana and taking several shots of tequila before deputies say she caused a crash that critically injured her two young children and an adult passenger as they were on their way to celebrate her son’s kindergarten graduation.
An Orlando woman who admitted to taking four shots of tequila and smoking marijuana is accused of causing two crashes that injured four people, including two young children who were thrown from her vehicle on Friday, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The children remain hospitalized in critical condition.