The show ever seen just this. Morning just. Shell. Nestle in and tell me when george bush got on the base and how we. Believe just live with feet and not go who doesnt need to the fullest thing and let me. Know what had become a litany. To me. Im going to go 2nd to my president most not only you know. But. For lives only you i mean its not so much you can never get out of the living in the middle of him hes on. Something. And i think when i mention. That it has to have. Got a few number of minuscule amounts of immigrants out there in the data want to suffer so youre on a roll not finish here in america within a good number of the list red alert for the dirty secret and look they would include up there no i didnt hear any movie when i looked over 3 or it could be they are not looking into a very persuasive way i dont know what the appeal of although you. Never clearly read many coming from a 3rd. Soundman home the key to disarming him i mean youre a me element here if you do not do the
No matter what you call. Aljazeera bringing the news and Current Affairs that matter to. Aljazeera. Shell. Nest in bed and tell me when george bush got on the safe and not. Just. With feet and not go who doesnt need to the fullest let me. Know what had become a litany. Move. Im going to go 2nd to my president most not only you know. But. For lives only you i mean its not so she could mean im going to have a little bit more the last 10 years or not. Something. Child and i think when i mention. That it has to have. Got a few number of. Us could not of immigrant out there in the data want to suffer so youre on a roll not finish here in america within a good number of them the fredricka she put it to. Admit they were going up there no i didnt hear any movie when i looked over thier kitty they are not looking into a very persuasive way i dont know what the appeal of although you. Never clearly would have many come to the mix. To do well saddam and hope to keep the disarming him i mean your