Inventing a better world with author/engineer Arlyne Simon February 10 2021
Hillsboro woman uses her doctorate background to help empower and inspire young girls to pursue STEM.
Arylne Simon said she remembers the caterpillars she collected and kept in jars as a child. On the lush Caribbean island of Dominica, where she grew up, nature was everywhere.
While exploring, she d collect the wormy bugs and then wait for the magical metamorphosis. It fascinated her, even when the insects never fluttered colorful wings. Sometimes, they d turn into moths, Simon said, but the experience still had its purpose.
Simon, 34, now lives in Hillsboro, where she works as a biomedical engineer for an international tech company. She s a patent-owning inventor, engineer and, most recently, she s added the title of children s book author to her résumé.