A Guwahati Police team has recovered some body parts of a man who, along with his mother, was killed, cut into pieces and thrown in gorges of neighbouring Meghalaya allegedly by his wife and her two friends, a senior official said.
"Following the murders, Kalita stored the victims body parts in a refrigerator and left the house. She returned four days later, on August 21, and disposed of the body pieces into Meghalaya s Dawki River, which is at a distance of at least 200 km from Guwahati," the officer added. 📰 Guwahati Shocker: Wife Kills Husband and Mother-in-Law in Noonmati, Stores Body Parts in Freezer, Arrested.
The incident took place in the city s Noonmati area seven months ago but came to light only on Monday after the accused reportedly confessed to the crime.Acco
The incident took place in the city s Noonmati area seven months ago but came to light only on Monday after the accused reportedly confessed to the crime.Acco