Arun Govil, the actor who played Lord Ram in the Ramayana TV series, has suggested that Ramayana should be included in the curriculum as it is not just religious, but a philosophy of life that teaches about relationships, patience, and peace.
Over three decades after playing the role of Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan, Arun Govil is still best known for playing god on Doordarshan. The role brought him immense popularity and also put brakes on his career.
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Born on January 12, 1960 in Meerut, 'Ram' i.e. Arun Govil, married actress Sreelekha. The couple have two children, a son named Amal Govil and daughter Sonika Govil.
Arun Govil who has earned nationwide popularity by playing Lord Rama in Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan will now be playing Lord Vitthal in Subodh Bhave's Sant Tukaram.