The plate applicants were first time applicants to the Arts Commission and with the City Arts Grants Program it takes a while for first time applicants to learn the process. You dont have a teaching . We had a workshop. Two workshops. Part of the workshop did you have information about complaints . No. I think its important because we have that in the puc about a grant. People know where to file their appeal or protest. Thats not the case here. No, we certainly all of the plate applicants get a letter telling us when the plan is reviewing it and they could come. Its a learning experience. To my knowledge, the applicants know and its in the application that it goes from there to committee and from committee to full commission. But, no, we do not specifically spell out what happens if they dont get it. I think you should. Thank you. No. 2, i say that with all do respect. I appreciate it. Getting back to the comments, is there is going to be a second round of 100,000 funding . Yes. Are al
Vietor. There is a difference in the process in regards to Public Comment. City attorneys office. I think thats correct. The administrative code has requirements with respect to protesting contract procurement process. There are no City Ordinances mandating a specific protest opportunity for grant. It would be up to the granting department to provide inform for that. But certainly Public Comment would be due process for that to occur. Commissioner torres . Council, back to you, under the administrative code the grant producing agency would be the repository for a protest . The administrative code actually at this point does not specify any required citywide protocols for grant making. So if an agency receives a complaint, that agency can ignore it or does it have to act upon it . They have a process by which they would award a grant and then they would themselves determine whether or not the complaint warranted redoing the grant award. The witness has testified or stated that there wer
The tremendous number of persons were the number of applicants interested in youth and young people. You will see a lot of Program Expansion to support more young people and more expanded program opportunities. So, again none of the programs that you see are new. There are programs that have been in the community that were seeking to expand the work they do by bringing in additional artist by serving more young people, by having more opportunities for free and expanded access. You will see on the next page a couple of, two programs in particular that focus on elders in the community. One wah is a wonderful grant of quilt making program in the university and innovative use of the arts with recycled material working with women in the Salvation Army bayview Hunters Point ministry. You will see this all within the bayview hunters neighborhood and all will be expanding their grant making. Really to wrap it up, the grants are under way. We are beginning to see some program attic activities t
Bring you a map that showed you the location of all these communities. I didnt need a map. I just wanted to be aware of the process is. You should be receiving the complaints. So if i have a complaint or questions about how the process was run and clearly the ultimate decision, i would talk to you . Correct. How would i know that if i had not been sitting here talking to you . I think what you are speaking to is an interesting point. If you go back to the statistics, a large number of the plate applicants were first time applicants to the Arts Commission and with the City Arts Grants Program it takes a while for first time applicants to learn the process. You dont have a teaching . We had a workshop. Two workshops. Part of the workshop did you have information about complaints . No. I think its important because we have that in the puc about a grant. People know where to file their appeal or protest. Thats not the case here. No, we certainly all of the plate applicants get a letter tel
Public comment on item no. 5, communications . Seeing none. Public comment is now closed. Next item, please. Item 6. Any Public Comment on item 6 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Next item please. Item 7. Report of the general manager. Good afternoon, next on the agenda what i want to bring back is the bayview arts grants update. The puc made a commitment to bayview arts in San Francisco. The city requires by City Ordinance to contribute 2 percent cost for the Arts Commission in the city. In 2011 we actually passed a Community Benefit policy that alliance the art contributions with our goal which are to be a Good Neighbor and invest in arts and cultural neighborhoods that are impacted by our services and operations. Before it would go to the Arts Commission and we didnt have about where these funds would be directed. We partner closely with the Arts Commission to administer art funding similar to how we partner to other agencies like the department of the environment, San Franci