New plan is building intelligently on Birr s successful festivals
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An exciting plan was unveiled to the general public during a recent Birr 20/20 meeting.
The plan was presented by Gary Hoctor who said it is building on the success of the town s five principal annual festivals, with the aim of making them even stronger and more colourful.
One of the ideas floated in the plan is hiring a professional to oversee the marketing of the festivals.
Salters Sterling pointed out that Festivals, in one shape or form, celebrate the essence of Birr.
“Birr Vintage Week & Arts Festival,” he said, “is one of the oldest town festivals in the country. It celebrates the community, the heritage tradition, the visual arts, the built environment and the hospitality of the town. OFFline Film Festival is a contemporary celebration of that pioneering adventure into photography associated with Mary, Countess of Rosse, wife of the Astronomer Earl.