“Bound by Blue: A Life on Block Island” with Edith Littlefield Blane will be the opening night documentary film screened at the Southeast New England Film Festival. The movie, directed by Katherine Reaves and produced by Susan Bush and Laura Parsons.
WORCESTER The wheels have kept turning for the Worcester Center for Crafts during the pandemic, and not just the potter s wheel although ceramics is one of its most popular offerings.
But Elaine McKenna-Yeaw can certainly be said to have had an eventful first two years as executive director of the Center since officially coming on board on April 19, 2019, following the retirement of Honee A. Hess.
McKenna-Yeaw, former executive director of the Artists’ Exchange in Cranston, Rhode Island, was hired after a nationwide search. Two years. One was a whirlwind because it was my first year, and the second year was COVID, she said.