articles didn t say where she lived, but they gave enough information to easily find it out. the decision to kidnap patricia hearst was the direct result of joe and russ arrest. we had to do it as a matter of principle. possibly work toward an exchange. it also was the result of our general politics and who we targeted in our minds as being enemies of the people. we had already determined that hearst was a particular easy target and that the propaganda that could be generated from it was perfect. bill and emily and angela came out of the theater program at indiana university. and this was a time when theater had a very political component. it was known as guerrilla theater. and they believed in using
start to find the sla s list. in one of the lists is possible kidnap victims. and there is a young college student named patricia hearst because they had read her engagement announcement in the san francisco examiner. the police never warned anyone on that list. during the months and months before we were ever introduced to the members of the sla, they had been acquiring intelligence on potential local targets, including maybe a couple news articles announcing patricia s betrothal to steven weed. articles didn t say where she lived, but they gave enough information to easily find it out. the decision to kidnap patricia hearst was the direct result of joe and russ s arrest. we had to do it as a matter of
and she had a lover named camilla hall, and she also joined the group. when the police start going through the concord house, they start to find the sla s list. in one of the lists is possible kidnap victims. and there is a young college student named patricia hearst because they had read her engagement announcement in the san francisco examiner. the police never warned anyone on that list. during the months and months before we were ever introduced to the members of the sla, they had been acquiring intelligence on potential local targets, including maybe a couple news articles announcing patricia s betrothal to steven weed. articles didn t say where she lived, but they gave enough information to easily find it out.
through the concord house, they start to find the sla s list. in one of the lists is possible kidnap victims. and there is a young college student named patricia hearst because they had read her engagement announcement in the san francisco examiner. the police never warned anyone on that list. during the months and months before we were ever introduced to the members of the sla, they had been acquiring intelligence on potential local targets, including maybe a couple news articles announcing patricia s betrothal to steven weed. articles didn t say where she lived, but they gave enough information to easily find it out. the decision to kidnap patricia hearst was the direct result of joe and russ s arrest.