who knows? point is we did that articlele 5 obligates the united states to protect any nato ally that is threatened. so how do we feel about that now? are you ready to launch a nuclear war over latvia? what do you think of sending your kids to defend the territorial integrity of estonia? a.our foreign policy establishment thinks it s well worth it in fact, under our current rules of membership in nato. we have no choice. you might not have known that. all of this might merit a national debate. at some point when we are ready 28 years in. no, the left isn t in toto national debates anymore. they are in to screaming and threats and criminal investigation and other forms of coercion. they like things the wayrc they are in this country. they are benefiting hugely from the status quo and they don t like being challenged. they consider asking difficult questions a criminal act. just this morning, in fact, the most famous former federal prosecutor in the country explained this view on twitter