that change comes from elections. this comes from freshman, frequently. change in this case is coming from the class of 2006-2008. in the leadership race in the senate, the leaders are becoming focused on this issue. the leader of this change is senator tom udall from mexico. i would like to have my colleague here from the center of american progress to introduce the center at this point. . . bay were things they could do nothing about . there was an election on the institution from republican chairman to democratic chairmen. they were in many cases more conservative than the republicans. the been in the congress for decades. if they were extremely conservative. they found it was next to impossible to get anything done. one of the 19 democrats was a congressman from arizona. he began meeting with a couple of other disgruntled younger members. lee metcalf and frank thompson, who was elected earlier. they typically met in gene mccarthy s area. that little band grew into what be
million. a trillion dollars is a thousand times a billion or 1 million times $1 million. we have gone in just a few decades from talking about deficits and the millions of dollars to deficit of trillions of dollars. yet over that same period of time, we have seen a situation where we are now talking about trillions of dollars. . . endeavors, would be four million inches high, or 63 miles high, $1,000 bills, stacked up right up into outer space. people need to understand that the expectations that the federal government can step in and meet all of their needs is one that is fast coming to a close, and we need to impose upon the congress the discipline to make the priorities that haven t been those decisions that haven t senator bill cohen and his wife on race relations in the u.s.. all of this weekend, live coverage of the tucson festival of books. get the latest updates on twitter good. a discussion of women and the judiciary with sonia sotomayor and ruth bitter ginsberg