this unmanned mission is a fact finding mission. they are going to be doing a ton of science experiments here. there are mannequins on board, wearing radiation vests. there are sensors testing vibration and acceleration. eventually, it s to be able to outfit the orion space capsule with humans and bring the first female and the first person of color to the moon. eventually, tom, to colonize the moon. and eventually to go to mars. and of course, you ask some space geeks, somehow there are doubts about how lofty those goals are. but this is absolutely incredible step in the right direction. the last time humans went in the moon, 1972, december of 1972. so, nearly 50 years ago next month. this will now be the first time that humans eventually, will go back to orbit the moon on the next mission in 2024. and then landing on the moon in 2024 or 2025, best case in area. i think it could actually be later than that. but this is a critical test flight. because they re testing not only the a