Lesser-seen works by Chicano artists illuminate. Plus, Robert Egan leaves the vaunted OPC, and the Getty repatriates works, in our weekly arts newsletter.
SILVER CITY - The public can now view the Silver City Museum’s recently released virtual exhibit, Arte Chicano 2020, and will host a panel discussion about it on Sunday, Feb. 21. Arte Chicano is viewable at SilverCityMuseum.Org under On Exhibit Now > Arte Chicano 2020, or directly at www.artechicano.online.
This is a virtual iteration of the annual Arte Chicano exhibit celebrating local Chicano artists which participants found has not limited the creative possibilities but expanded them. It was released at 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31, making sure that “2020 ended on a positive note.”
“This is one of the most important exhibits the museum presents,” said Museum Director Bart Roselli.