What was it like being an adjunct professor 30 years ago? Have things changed? More than 30 years ago, I started my career in higher ed as an adjunct art professor. Back then, we still taught art history classes with individual photographic slides carefully sequenced into the slots of two plastic carousels, which were then gingerly placed on the bed of two projectors side by side. A work-study student in a booth advanced the slides one by one by my voice announcing, “Next, please.” A dropped carousel, a burned-out bulb or a jammed slide spelled catastrophe.
in my final year of art school in the mid-seventies I was a miserable, wiseass painting major who had been in good shape previously but was again totally lost and confused then one day my assigned painting teacher Warren Rohrer asked us students who we might like to have as a visiting artist and soon after he said he invited the painter Jake Berthot down to Philadelphia and I said to him, yeah, you asked everybody and then you just got who you wanted anyway
Primitive aesthetics in the here-and-now digital world are expressed through art during "Digital Primitivism" running at Tang Contemporary Art until March 11.