tricia had walked to an off-campus supermarket and never returned to her dorm.arstill wa. and we have no answers, and somebody out there, that s what eats at me, somebody out there has that answer for us. tricia reitler wasn t even prosecutor beaumont s case, but he was deeply moved by her parents. that was always a horrible crime to me. i knew about the facts of the case, i knew about the family. i never met them, but i read all the newspaper articles and the accounts of them, you know, asking for help. beaumont felt certain that suspected serial killer larry hall was responsible. not only did hall live 25 minutes from indiana wesleyan, he had been identified chasing two co-eds there just a week after tricia went missing. so in the summer of 1995, a month after convicting hall for jessie roach s murder, beaumont was leading a search for tricia. it was in those same indiana backwoods where hall had told indiana authorities he dreamt he